Start-Up Loans Approved In Under 48 Hours

Get Approved For A Startup Loan Now!

  • Speak to a LIVE Representative
  • Decision in 60 seconds. 
  • ​Flexible Payment options.
  • ​No Collateral
  • ​No Tax Returns
  • ​No Financials Required

BLB Funding Group


Get $10,000 to $150,000 in Fast Funding

  • Funding in under 48 Hours. 
  • ​APPLY for FREE in less than a minute. 
  • ​Over 90% Approval Rate
  • Find out how much your business can get asap. 
  • ​100% customer satisfaction rate. 


STEP 1: Schedule Your Personal Call



Frequently Asked Questions About Startup Funding

Can Startups really get funding?

Yes! As a startup you could be eligible for up to $100k in funding per signer. Which means if you have more than one person willing to sign we can get you more funding!

Why don't banks offer startup funding?

Banks require previous business history and proof of income and revenue before considering any startup or business for funding. We look at real life historical data in order to make our funding decisions.

What can I use the startup capital for?

Once we provide you with funding, you are free to use it however you need. Whether you purchase equipment or consolidate debt, or start your own dream business. The choice is yours.

How fast can I get capital for my startup?

Once you schedule your call with BLB Funding and get the approval for funding, depends on which program you are approved for, it can take as little as 48 hours to receive your funding.

What kind of paperwork do I need for approval?

We do not require any sort of paperwork other than a tri-merged credit report in order to make you a funding offer. No Paperwork, No Asset, No Appraisal, No Headache

Will I be assigned an actual funding specialist?

Yes! As a startup we understand you may have questions and need help and guidance during this process. Your funding specialist is here to make your experience easy and efficient.

Schedule Your Free Call to Get Qualified NOW!

Get $10,000 to $150,000 in 24-48 Hours.

Copyright 2019 BLB Funding.
BLB Funding l 1349 Lynn Avenue #MAILBOX
Bethlehem, PA 18015 l 1-844-BLB-FUND l   Privacy Policy

*All loans are subject to credit approval and normal underwriting standards. Minimum and maximum loan amounts, rates, fees, terms and collateral requirements are subject to specific guidelines and may change without notice. All loans are made under Massive Action Co LLC of Pennsylvania or it's affiliate lenders. Available cash amounts may vary and collateral requirements apply. In California loans are made or arranged pursuant to a California Financer Lenders Law license.